"We've been racing here at Curtis for thirty-six years. I ran our first race at Curtis. I was our fifth runner and we won by a point. Jobs were plentiful, oil was plentiful, and, despite what you may have heard, we didn't have to worry about pterodactyls snatching runners.
"We've gained about 400 new alumni in 36 years and lost four. [I ran with Lee Moskowitz, I knew Dave Sacks, I knew Mike Berry, and I met Jake Berkowitz at a cross country banquet.] I've met all four and knew the first three.
"For the old alumni, we won't place or displace. Run strong, give your best effort, and stay strong through the finish. We're tougher than we look — we better be! If some small, slow, stupid sophomore should turn his back on a pack of us old timers, he better watch out!
"For the young alumni, this race depends on you. They're going to have five guys around sixteen minutes and that's it. Eleven years ago an incredible team with an undefeated schedule and a trip to States [Pennsylvania state championship race, only a few teams invited] was handed a shutout by the alumni.
"For the current team members: I'd like you to be proud of us alumni. You should be proud of this program and your coaches. You should be proud of your teammates. Mostly, you should be proud of yourselves. [You found out that being an athlete is more than giving up two afternoons a week of Facebook and Twitter to join the `jogging club.']
"I'm proud to be part of this crowd. I admire and applaud our identity as athletes, our intensity of effort, and our integrity of community.
"With a voice heard here at Curtis for almost four decades I wish all good luck and best effort today.
"Thank you."
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