So we're all in a panic about the pandemic of Corona virus,
also known as COVID-19.
They're canceling and closing everything.
One political wag says,
“The difference between panic and pandemic is DEM,
for the Democratic Party.”
We're scared and we should be scared.
I'd just like to make sure we're scared of the right things.
While every new disease has the potential to be
another 1918 Spanish flu,
dozens of new biological diseases in the past century (1921-2020)
have fizzled out compared to the plain, old, ordinary, household flu.
Sick sucks, no doubt about it,
but if we're going to study things that kill people
that are transmitted by groups of infected people,
then maybe we should consider
social, economic, and political diseases as well
as their consequences.
The Corona virus has killed 26 K (ten thousand) people,
0.0005% of the world population, one in 270 K.
It could be much worse, maybe as bad as flu that kills
about 35 K per year in the United States and, I'll extrapolate,
about 1 M (one million) people worldwide.
AIDS is a horrible scourge, about 1 M per year in deaths.
(Remember “Dr. Stranglove” with General Buck Turgidson's book
of World Population Centers in Megadeaths?)
While we didn't close concert halls or restaurants over AIDS,
its method of transmission kept those places safe from AIDS,
at least for most of us.
We've watched
“The Last Man on Earth,”
“The Omega Man,”
“Night of the Living Dead,”
“Resident Evil,”
“12 Monkeys,”
“28 Days Later,”
“I am Legend,”
“28 Weeks Later,”
and the horrible plague scenes in “Things to Come.”
If you're stuck at home because of all this Corona fuss,
then you could watch these on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime.
I would point out that I believe the deaths from
Corona beer are about the same
as the reported deaths from Corona virus so far.
People who argue the case for more government
raise the case that we're talking about lives versus
some personal freedoms.
Let's look more closely at that.
About 100 M people have died at the hands
of their own governments
in the past century.
The big, popular players in the genocide game
were Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Pol Pot, and Mao,
but there are plenty of others.
These governments have almost all been Socialist,
both from outside designation and their own self-descriptions.
Figure somewhere between 5 G and 10 G people
(between five billion
and ten billion)
have died in the same past-hundred-years century,
that means that the death rate from big government or Socialism
is between 1% and 2%.
Suddenly a disease that might kill 100 K per year
of our world population of 7 G
isn't looking so bad compared to the big governments
we're building to combat it.
Here's the political picture.
The progressive, left-wing, liberals
represented by the Democratic Party here in the United States
have lost big time.
After eight devastating years 2007-2014
with severe costs in economics and personal freedom,
things are looking a lot better with the Republicans in charge.
Democrats lost a key election and
the impeachment loss was embarrassing.
Swine flu, SARS, Asian flu, West Nile, bird flu, et cetera
didn't occur at opportune times,
but Corona virus does and they are taking advantage of it.
It's not entirely partisan as many Republicans
want bigger government as well, just doing different things.
The dynamic of government is to grow bigger and more evil,
this disease is a golden opportunity for big-government fans
all over the globe,
and they're not going to waste it.
One Facebook fellow unfriended me because
he was appalled that I was insensitive enough
not to consider Corona deaths more important
than other deaths.
Another one got in my face for not counting Corona deaths
more than other deaths because the disease
is transmitted easily and kills easily.
Wasn't that figured in the death-count estimate?
I'm beginning to realize part of being liberal
is being comfortable counting your own victims
and not counting the others who get hurt.
Others seem to think of COVID-19 as another opportunity
for TDS, that's Trump Derangement Syndrome.
He's doing too much, then he did too little.
It has to be Donald Trump's fault, no matter what happens,
no matter what he did about it,
no matter what should have been done.
The other overzealous response is a push for
socialized medicine, health care provided by government funding.
The end results of socialized medicine have been
less medicine at higher cost for
people than would have gotten it at the lower, private cost.
We can see what
free market,
unregulated health care provides,
we can see what government health care provides,
and the only reason the latter is okay
is that the virus is so limited in scope
that very few are afflicted by it.
Before we reject concern over Corona based on the small numbers,
I'll point out that this is a contagious disease,
so one case can become two, then four, then eight,
and in a few weeks 8589934592 people will get the disease.
Mitigating that exponential growth is that there
aren't that many people, many people won't get infected,
and many exposed people will neither get sick nor infect others.
This is nothing to sneeze at.
It's not silly to think that today's 30000 cases
in the United States could expand to a million
and 1000 deaths could expand to 30000.
Infectious disease is no joke as 30 million
get the flu each year
and 35 thousand die of that here in the United States.
About ten million people die of cancer each year,
600 thousand here in the United States.
On a more-similar scale,
about 50 thousand die in automobile accidents in the U.S.A.
and one-fifth of those are due to drunk drivers.
Of course, none of these visits from the grim reaper
is contagious as an infectious disease.
The horrible, scary influenza of 1918
killed three percent of the world population.
Corona does not spread much more than flu,
but in its current state, with no vaccine available,
it kills about ten times as often for those infected.
So maybe 300 thousand Americans will get this Corona virus,
maybe there won't be a vaccine for a while,
and one percent of those won't survive the experience,
most old, breathing-addled people like myself.
That's three thousand deaths, enough to make me worry a bit.
Of course, Corona is being compared to the 1918 flu
that killed a great deal more.
So we're canceling anything that gets people together
like concerts and events,
we're scaring people into staying home,
and maybe we're getting some of them actually to wash their hands.
Nobody is asking the question of why similar measures
weren't taken for SARS, West Nile, or swine flu.
The swine flu killed 18 thousand worldwide
and 12 thousand here in the U.S.A.
Of course, it wasn't an election year where
the news media weren't trying terribly hard
to unseat the current government
and to replace it with a much larger government
with a lot more control over us.
In case you have a moment of belief
that our liberal faction wants to do what's right,
note that the Democrats in Congress
added support for illegal immigrants, Planned Parenthood,
the Kennedy Center
(who promptly donated money to the Democratic Party),
windmills, and solar energy to the bill for Corona relief.
Look, I've been in areas where polio is still out there along
with Dengue Fever and Cholera, a few hours drive from the
Kisangani-Bukavu road
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
I stayed at the Chobe Lodge along the beautiful banks of
the Nile River
where I was advised not to run along the lovely dirt road
because there were things on that road that would eat me.
The riverside walk had blue banners sticky with
insecticide for tsetse flies.
Yes, there's stuff out there that kills people.
One hundred million people are going to die in the next year.
It's not because somebody's political views are mean.
All these projections in the United States were based
on 600 deaths, compared to annual deaths of about 35 thousand
from flu and 10500 from drunk drivers.
We're projecting big numbers from these tiny numbers,
kind of like the same scientific community in 1998
telling us that there would be no more cold
“Forecasting is hard, especially about the future.”
Meanwhile, what is the real damage done?
Our economy, at least for the time being,
is down so far that it's about as bad as it was in 2016
when President Trump took office.
I think it will rebound, but it will take time
and there will be pain.
There are tens of millions of people in the United States
who have made their livelihood out and about in
various service positions.
These people are waiters and actors and retail-store employees
and musicians and dancers and bartenders
and drivers and theater ushers and so on.
While people in computer services post cute notices
about how tough it is to stay home and watch Netflix,
these people are wondering how much longer they'll have
homes they can afford to pay for
now that they can't go to work.
I have no idea how many factories have had to close.
Government bailouts aren't the answer,
then other middle-class people will be taxed to pay for it.
There aren't enough rich people to pay these bills
and these are the very-same rich people who would otherwise
be investing in factories and enterprises
that pay the people who made our pre-Corona lives so pleasant.
So we have a disease we were guessing will kill
500 times as many people as it already had.
Let me give an example from my own retail-science business.
A big-screen TV for $399 sees a 50% increase in sales
when we lower the price to $389 and another 50% increase
going down to $379.
That exponential growth predicts selling 60 times as many TVs
for $299 and 3300 times as many for $199.
We know enough to be skeptical of such increases at lower prices
calculated from a few data points at higher prices.
We know that exponential growth has limits
and we don't always have a good grip what those limits are.
Shouldn't we be similarly-doubtful about
exponential-growth predictions based on a few
increasing small numbers?
(A few days after I wrote that,
I'm seeing Andrew Mather's
or his
with real
data pointing out that China, Italy, and Norway are already
leveling off quite a bit short of the 500-fold forecast increase.)
We have certain massive economic losses
in a sector of the economy I care deeply about.
I have many friends who used to be in the service area
and I have friends who own small shops that cannot
pay either their rent or their employees.
These certain huge losses should be weighed against
the extrapolations
and they should be weighed with concern, compassion, and skepticism,
far more than we're doing.
I would feel fine doing what we're doing with Ebola
and its proven massive-death historical track record.
I've been around for a lot of pseudo-science.
I caught the tail end of eugenics,
the impending ice age,
acid rain,
Mercury in the tuna fish,
the ozone layer,
global warming, and
climate change.
Twenty-two years since the last global-warming year,
I was accosted at Princeton's Alumni Day
by a sweet young student imploring me to
cut off my donations to Princeton until
they divested their fossil-fuel investments.
This was twice ironic.
First, my class did the same thing about Apartheid
in South Africa,
Apartheid went away,
and it was replaced with tyranny and corruption so bad
that Apartheid is now the “Good Old Days” in South Africa
for people of all colors.
Second, while at least my classmates were alive
during Apartheid in South Africa,
this young woman was born several years after
the last year significantly warmer than the year before.
All these years I find myself screaming,
“It's not true!
It's not true!
It's all a lie!”
In 1939 there were no invading Martians
nor was there a need for a master race,
no matter how many people believed it.
Am I the only one who believes the
moon landing
was real and pro wrestling is fake?
Now two in a million die of a disease
while a hundred times that many die of a similar disease (flu)
and we're in a panic.
Based on a 500-fold extrapolation
we threw away most of the joy in our lives,
about one-tenth of our ability to produce wealth,
and the livelihoods of one-tenth of our population.
In order of increasing threat,
let's look at the diseases in play here.
COVID-19, Corona virus, has claimed somewhere around
44000 worldwide, one in 160 thousand,
4000 here in the United States,
one in 76 thousand.
Flu claims about one in 9000 every year.
The worst Corona projections are about five times worse than flu,
maybe 180 thousand in the United States, one in two thousand.
Poverty from being out of work takes a terrible
toll of life, liberty, and livelihood.
I have no scientific estimate of the death rates
from non-Corona deaths from the loss of income
for one-tenth of America,
but it's real and it's terrible.
Big-government socialism has killed 100 million people
in the past century,
about two percent of all deaths from all causes.
Making government bigger to deal with
a perceived Corona threat prediction
creates a real, live, here-today threat.
(What idiot thought taxing people two trillion dollars,
mostly from people in need,
giving one-third of that to people possibly in need,
and giving the rest to rich friends of those in government
was a good idea?)
So who are the villains here?
Who are the bad people in this scenario.
Now we know we grotesquely expanded government
and trashed ten percent of our economy
and seriously damaged the lives of ten percent of our population
here in the States, some 30 million people,
for something that wasn't a threat.
The data from China, Norway, and Italy are showing them
going over the hump with numbers quite a bit smaller than flu.
Corona virus isn't the threat we were told it is and it never was,
but we paid a terrible social and economic price.
Whose fault is that?
There were people who thought they knew more than we did
and who we thought knew more than we did
telling us to be afraid
when we looked at the small numbers of Corona virus compared to flu.
They were wrong, we believed them, and we messed things up badly.
The people who were genuinely afraid aren't the bad people here.
Besides the obvious fact that we all have the choice
to stay home with lots of soap and cleaner and disinfectant,
that choice has never been easier to make.
We have all kinds of entertainment and communication media
and delivery systems so we can be happy and healthy at home.
(I have computers and Internet and a wonderful hifi
with 4000 vinyl records and 700 tapes to listen to.
I won't be lonely or bored at home
and I'm finally getting eight hours sleep a night.)
We all can learn something about hygiene and social distance
and the spread of flu is a good reason to do that anyway.
The bad people are the people who forced this upon us,
the people who forcibly closed our stores and restaurants
and concert halls,
the people who found a way to violate our right of assembly
to pander to panic about pandemic.
They knew that Corona was another evil-looking disease
and they knew studies depending on extrapolating exponential models
by a factor of 500 didn't make sense.
Maybe they were the intellectual followers
of earlier pseudo-science finally getting power over us,
or maybe they were from a completely different sector.
In any case,
they messed up, they messed up badly,
and if there were a way to extract the
economic loss from them to pay the people who suffered,
then I would be happy to help make that happen.
Remember the movie “Capricorn One”
where they realize the life support won't work on the first
manned mission to Mars?
They pull the astronauts off the launchpad
and fake the manned part of the mission.
Everything's fine in the lie until the capsule fails
on re-entry and now they have to kill the three astronauts who,
for some reason, don't want to die just to maintain the lie.
It's a good movie.
Question: What is your personal knowledge of Corona virus?
Do you know anyone who survived it? Or who didn't?
Have you seen a crowded emergency room (ER) from Corona virus?
A medical-worker friend of mine here in Arizona,
one even more cynical and skeptical than I am
(if that's possible),
cast a wide net
trying to find Corona-virus cases, people who have actually met
a Corona-virus patient in the medical community.
She says ERs are practically empty all over.
She heard about
one thirty-something patient in California
near Edwards Air Force Base being intubated
with some kind of respiratory ailment,
but the facts were sketchy and it seems
that fellow doesn't actually have COVID-19.
Apparently, he wasn't from Edwards area
and he ran a $30 thousand GoFundMe.
Never mind the news,
do you know anybody yourself who got this bug?
Is it even real?
(Apparently there are real cases back east in Philadelphia,
New York, and New Jersey.
The numbers, small as they are,
may be way overblown
(Didn't a guy recently go through the windshield,
get run over by a truck,
and die of COVID-19 on the coroner's report?),
but personal anecdote confirms there are cases out there.
Think how horrible the social, economic, cultural, and political
damage we have had would be for a virus that doesn't even exist.
Or maybe it exists in such a tiny number of patients that any
large-scale response is just a terrible scare tactic.
Even the scariest numbers in the news,
the ugliest projections of death,
are comparable to flu or SARS or swine flu
or any other of many diseases we've faced
and nothing compared to the sort of diseases we might face someday.
It seems clear this is a politically motivated tragedy,
but wouldn't all this be all the more 1984-Orwell, Goebbels-Big-Lie
if the disease never existed in the first place?
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