2005 January 23, Sunday, 5bp-xh8.jpg * five license plates
2005 January 23, Sunday, 5bp-xh9.jpg * five license plates
2005 January 23, Sunday, 5bp-xia.jpg * five license plates
2005 January 23, Sunday, 5bp-xib.jpg * five license plates
2005 January 23, Sunday, 5bp-xic.jpg * five license plates
2005 January 23, Sunday, 5bp-xid.jpg * five license plates
2005 January 23, Sunday, 5bp-xie.jpg * five license plates
2005 January 23, Sunday, 5bp-xif.jpg * five license plates
2005 January 26, Wednesday, 5bs-j4q.jpg * too many license plates
2005 January 26, Wednesday, 5bs-j4r.jpg * too many license plates
2005 April 18, Monday, 5ej-tm4.jpg * Arches National Park -- Utah License Plate with Delicate Arch
2005 April 18, Monday, 5ej-tm5.jpg * Arches National Park -- Utah License Plate with Delicate Arch
2005 October 23, Sunday, 5lp-10g.jpg * Alberta license plate for my rental car 1
2006 December 30, Saturday, 60w-pvi.jpg * driver license
2007 June 3, Sunday, 663-rt4.jpg * Gary's E TO IPI license plate
2007 September 1, Saturday, 691-nq8.jpg * IGB license plate
2008 January 20, Sunday, 6dl-p91.jpg * Sonia's pictures - Arizona license plate
2008 January 20, Sunday, 6dl-p92.jpg * Sonia's pictures - Arizona license plate
2008 January 20, Sunday, 6dl-p93.jpg * Sonia's pictures - my license plate
2008 December 22, Monday, 6qn-r3s.jpg * beth's Sunday zion-trip pictures - Adam's n4372j license plate
2009 November 16, Monday, 71g-u6i.jpg * Some nerve misspelling Chutzpah on a license plate
2010 August 12, Thursday, 7ac-uxk.jpg * pilot license
2010 August 12, Thursday, 7ac-uxo.jpg * Pilot license back
2010 September 5, Sunday, 7b5-nxh.jpg * my car with my old tail-number on the license plate
2010 September 26, Sunday, 7bs-ryt.jpg * A 2THE X license plate
2011 January 17, Monday, 7fh-qtc.jpg * Just what part of [rocket science] don't you understand? NASA front license plate
2011 January 14, Friday, 7fe-n1e.jpg * Just what part of [rocket science] don't you understand? NASA front license plate
2011 February 6, Sunday, 7g6-o0d.jpg * Just what part of [rocket science] don't you understand? NASA front license plate
2012 January 28, Saturday, 7tu-xwa.jpg * new license plate for my car
2012 January 28, Saturday, 7tu-xwe.jpg * new license plate for my car and N8377W
2012 January 28, Saturday, 7tu-xwg.jpg * new license plate for my car and N8377W
2012 February 7, Tuesday, 7u7-mju.jpg * two license plates N4372J and N8377W
2013 May 26, Sunday, 89s-42n.jpg * MOAB license plate
2013 August 11, Sunday, 8cb-sdq.jpg * pilot license and medical
2013 December 29, Sunday, 8gv-tbm.jpg * Triangle Airpark - KEEP HONKING - I'M RELOADING license plate
2014 April 13, Sunday, 8ld-wnk.jpg * Bagdad fly-in breakfast - license plate map
2014 May 20, Tuesday, 8ml-t3u.jpg * my private pilot license front
2014 May 20, Tuesday, 8ml-t3w.jpg * my private pilot license back
2014 August 9, Saturday, 8q9-wkq.jpg * Pilots license and third-class medical
2014 November 30, Sunday, 8tw-p8m.jpg * license plate (probably Jacqui's)
2015 July 31, Friday, 91x-a8m.jpg * great license plate - GONEAPE
2015 November 1, Sunday, 951-se4.jpg * a Ford Focus with license place beginning with X that isn't my rental car
2016 December 21, Wednesday, 9jm-e4o.jpg * license plate O RELAX
2017 February 17, Friday, 9lh-h1x.jpg * LIL CAT license plate
2017 March 5, Sunday, 9m5-vlb.jpg * GOT A JET license plate
2017 April 22, Saturday, 9nn-tw5.jpg * CURCNCR license plate
2017 May 1, Monday, 9p1-fjw.jpg * SHUMTZ license plate
2017 May 1, Monday, 9p1-fjx.jpg * SHUMTZ license plate
2017 May 8, Monday, 9p8-ohv.jpg * BUY3GAS license plate in Philadelphia
2017 May 14, Sunday, 9pe-iq0.jpg * 80 LAPS license plate
2017 May 14, Sunday, 9pe-iq1.jpg * 80 LAPS license plate
2017 May 19, Friday, 9pk-gor.jpg * my car with N8377W license plate reflection
2017 May 24, Wednesday, 9pq-dau.jpg * Brian Bell's driver license
2017 May 24, Wednesday, 9pq-dav.jpg * Brian Bell and his driver license
2017 May 24, Wednesday, 9pq-dax.jpg * Brian Bell and his driver license
2017 June 4, Sunday, 9q4-7vv.jpg * Colorado license plate
2017 July 13, Thursday, 9rd-xa3.jpg * two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
2017 July 13, Thursday, 9rd-xa4.jpg * two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
2017 July 13, Thursday, 9rd-xa5.jpg * two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
2017 July 13, Thursday, 9rd-xa6.jpg * two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
2017 July 13, Thursday, 9rd-xa7.jpg * two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
2017 July 13, Thursday, 9rd-xa8.jpg * two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
2017 December 6, Wednesday, 9w6-ydt.jpg * Pichai Chumponpaisarn license
2017 December 6, Wednesday, 9w6-ydu.jpg * Pichai Chumponpaisarn license
2018 February 5, Monday, 9y5-txw.jpg * Alumni School of Hard Knocks license plate frame
2018 September 23, Sunday, a5p-suc.jpg * my rental-car license plate ('Arizona'?)
2018 December 17, Monday, a8h-u6t.jpg * 43 2 08 license plate (Superbowl score?)
2018 December 17, Monday, a8h-u6u.jpg * 43 2 08 license plate (Superbowl score?)
2018 December 23, Sunday, a8p-umw.jpg * 43 2 08 license plate (Superbowl?)
2018 December 23, Sunday, a8p-umx.jpg * 43 2 08 license plate (Superbowl?)
2019 February 21, Thursday, aam-p6a.jpg * strange license plate
2019 February 21, Thursday, aam-p6b.jpg * strange license plate
2019 March 10, Sunday, aba-bi6.jpg * A L F A Alfa Romeo cool license plate
2019 May 5, Sunday, ad5-u2e.jpg * Mesa Arts - Harp-Guitar duo - HARP license plate
2019 May 5, Sunday, ad5-u2t.jpg * ELNRRBGY license plate
2019 May 19, Sunday, adk-hgv.jpg * license plate WAY HOT
2019 July 5, Friday, af5-w03.jpg * Peru - Lima tour - Peru license plat
2019 November 3, Sunday, ak3-wjm.jpg * original Volkswagon microbus WOODSTK license plate
2019 November 5, Tuesday, ak5-tyf.jpg * driver's license
2019 November 5, Tuesday, ak5-tyg.jpg * Adam and driver's license
2019 November 27, Wednesday, akt-j6s.jpg * license plate OMNIMON
2020 February 9, Sunday, an9-uy6.jpg * KINKO vanity license plate
2020 April 25, Saturday, aqr-rhy.jpg * Anthony and Olga-Helga marriage license
2020 October 14, Wednesday, awe-p3t.jpg * Lots of A's in license plate
2020 October 14, Wednesday, awe-p3u.jpg * Lots of A's in license plate
2020 October 14, Wednesday, awe-o5l.jpg * driver license
2020 October 14, Wednesday, awe-o5m.jpg * driver license
2020 October 18, Sunday, awj-8lj.jpg * YEEHAW license plate
2020 October 18, Sunday, awj-8lk.jpg * YEEHAW license plate
2021 September 26, Sunday, b7s-8lm.jpg * AMPL power license plate (AMPL is a math program, but I don't think that's what he means here)
2021 November 26, Friday, b9s-zz6.jpg * AZPILOT license plate
2021 November 26, Friday, b9s-zz7.jpg * AZPILOT license plate
2021 November 26, Friday, b9s-zz8.jpg * AZPILOT license plate
2021 November 27, Saturday, b9t-04o.jpg * REDTAL 1 license plate
2021 November 27, Saturday, b9t-04p.jpg * REDTAL 1 license plate
2022 January 9, Sunday, bb9-cdg.jpg * K9OHRA license plate
2022 January 9, Sunday, bb9-cdi.jpg * my new-iD driver license
2022 January 9, Sunday, bb9-cdj.jpg * my new-iD driver license
2022 January 20, Thursday, bbl-y24.jpg * license plate 11
2022 January 31, Monday, bbx-d41.jpg * fishing license photo id, but not voting
2022 February 21, Monday, bcm-hvw.jpg * Facebook - license plate BOYCHIK
2022 March 7, Monday, bd7-uw7.jpg * my driver license
2022 March 7, Monday, bd7-uw8.jpg * my driver license
2022 March 7, Monday, bd7-uw9.jpg * my driver license
2022 March 7, Monday, bd7-uwa.jpg * my driver license
2022 March 7, Monday, bd7-uwb.jpg * my driver license
2022 March 7, Monday, bd7-uwh.jpg * my driver license
2022 March 7, Monday, bd7-uwi.jpg * my driver license
2022 May 14, Saturday, bfe-x29.jpg * GOP license plate
2022 May 20, Friday, bfl-i56.jpg * Alan Travis - old car collection - - old license plates
2022 May 20, Friday, bfl-i57.jpg * Alan Travis - old car collection - - old license plates
2022 June 12, Sunday, bgc-qvn.jpg * NOTLAST license plate
2022 June 12, Sunday, bgc-qvo.jpg * NOTLAST license plate
2022 June 30, Thursday, bgw-93e.jpg * RNRVRNR license plate - what does it mean?
2022 June 30, Thursday, bgw-93f.jpg * RNRVRNR license plate - what does it mean?
2022 July 17, Sunday, bhh-bgx.jpg * jerome license
2022 July 17, Sunday, bhh-bgy.jpg * jerome license
2022 July 17, Sunday, bhh-bgz.jpg * jerome license hours
2022 September 14, Wednesday, bke-lny.jpg * local shop license plates
2022 October 23, Sunday, blp-ckn.jpg * Dr. Who license plate
2022 October 23, Sunday, blp-cko.jpg * Dr. Who license plate
2022 October 23, Sunday, blp-ckp.jpg * Dr. Who license plate
2022 October 23, Sunday, blp-ckq.jpg * Dr. Who license plate
2022 October 23, Sunday, blp-ckr.jpg * Dr. Who license plate with infinity improbability drive
2022 November 16, Wednesday, bmg-ud2.jpg * ADOT Olga license
2022 November 27, Sunday, bmt-mee.jpg * license plate DEER ME
2022 November 27, Sunday, bmt-mga.jpg * Olga driver license
2022 November 27, Sunday, bmt-mgb.jpg * back of my driver license
2022 December 24, Saturday, bnq-qcy.jpg * n8377w car license plate
2022 December 24, Saturday, bnq-qcz.jpg * n8377w car license plate
2022 December 24, Saturday, bnq-qd0.jpg * n8377w car license plate
2023 March 4, Saturday, br4-bao.jpg * my license plate on my rental car
2023 April 24, Monday, bsq-cpj.jpg * New Zealand - our van license plate
2023 April 27, Thursday, bst-m8i.jpg * New Zealand - driving - GOMARS license plate
2023 June 4, Sunday, bu4-akp.jpg * very short license plate
2023 June 4, Sunday, bu4-akq.jpg * very short license plate
2023 October 11, Wednesday, byb-t4w.jpg * Philadelphia Museum of Art - cool license plate NCC1701
2023 October 11, Wednesday, byb-t4x.jpg * Philadelphia Museum of Art - cool license plate NCC-1701
2024 April 3, Wednesday, c43-vv8.jpg * bus license plate

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0-9 view first, 10%, 20%, ..., 90% slide
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Up Arrow goes to thumbnail array from slide
1 5bp. five license plates
2 5bp. five license plates
3 5bp. five license plates
4 5bp. five license plates
5 5bp. five license plates
6 5bp. five license plates
7 5bp. five license plates
8 5bp. five license plates
9 5bs. too many license plates
10 5bs. too many license plates
11 5eg. Arches National Park -- Utah License Plate with Delicate Arch
12 5eg. Arches National Park -- Utah License Plate with Delicate Arch
13 5ln. Alberta license plate for my rental car 1
14 60v. driver license
15 663. Gary's E TO IPI license plate
16 68w. IGB license plate
17 6dg. Sonia's pictures - Arizona license plate
18 6dg. Sonia's pictures - Arizona license plate
19 6dg. Sonia's pictures - my license plate
20 6qh. beth's Sunday zion-trip pictures - Adam's n4372j license plate
21 71f. Some nerve misspelling Chutzpah on a license plate
22 7a0. pilot license
23 7a0. Pilot license back
24 7b3. my car with my old tail-number on the license plate
25 7bq. A 2THE X license plate
26 7fb. Just what part of [rocket science] don't you understand?  NASA front license plate
27 7fc. Just what part of [rocket science] don't you understand?  NASA front license plate
28 7fw. Just what part of [rocket science] don't you understand?  NASA front license plate
29 7tu. new license plate for my car
30 7tu. new license plate for my car and N8377W
31 7tu. new license plate for my car and N8377W
32 7u1. two license plates N4372J and N8377W
33 89q. MOAB license plate
34 8c1. pilot license and medical
35 8gv. Triangle Airpark - KEEP HONKING - I'M RELOADING license plate
36 8ld. Bagdad fly-in breakfast - license plate map
37 8ml. my private pilot license front
38 8ml. my private pilot license back
39 8q5. Pilots license and third-class medical
40 8tl. license plate (probably Jacqui's)
41 91k. great license plate - GONEAPE
42 951. a Ford Focus with license place beginning with X that isn't my rental car
43 9jc. license plate O RELAX
44 9ld. LIL CAT license plate
45 9m3. GOT A JET license plate
46 9nm. CURCNCR license plate
47 9ns. SHUMTZ license plate
48 9ns. SHUMTZ license plate
49 9p5. BUY3GAS license plate in Philadelphia
50 9pd. 80 LAPS license plate
51 9pd. 80 LAPS license plate
52 9pe. my car with N8377W license plate reflection
53 9pp. Brian Bell's driver license
54 9pp. Brian Bell and his driver license
55 9pp. Brian Bell and his driver license
56 9q3. Colorado license plate
57 9rb. two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
58 9rb. two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
59 9rb. two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
60 9rb. two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
61 9rb. two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
62 9rb. two drivers licenses, somebody's wallet left on the stairs
63 9w5. Pichai Chumponpaisarn license
64 9w5. Pichai Chumponpaisarn license
65 9y5. Alumni School of Hard Knocks license plate frame
66 a05. my rental-car license plate ('Arizona'?)
67 a08. 43 2 08 license plate (Superbowl score?)
68 a08. 43 2 08 license plate (Superbowl score?)
69 a08. 43 2 08 license plate (Superbowl?)
70 a08. 43 2 08 license plate (Superbowl?)
71 a0a. strange license plate
72 a0a. strange license plate
73 a0b. A L F A  Alfa Romeo cool license plate
74 a0c. Mesa Arts - Harp-Guitar duo - HARP license plate
75 a0c. ELNRRBGY license plate
76 a0d. license plate WAY HOT
77 a0f. Peru - Lima tour - Peru license plat
78 a0j. original Volkswagon microbus WOODSTK license plate
79 a0k. driver's license
80 a0k. Adam and driver's license
81 a0k. license plate OMNIMON
82 a0n. KINKO vanity license plate
83 a0q. Anthony and Olga-Helga marriage license
84 a0u. Lots of A's in license plate
85 a0u. Lots of A's in license plate
86 a0v. driver license
87 a0v. driver license
88 a0w. YEEHAW license plate
89 a0w. YEEHAW license plate
90 a17. AMPL power license plate (AMPL is a math program, but I don't think that's what he means here)
91 a19. AZPILOT license plate
92 a19. AZPILOT license plate
93 a19. AZPILOT license plate
94 a19. REDTAL 1 license plate
95 a19. REDTAL 1 license plate
96 a1a. K9OHRA license plate
97 a1a. my new-iD driver license
98 a1a. my new-iD driver license
99 a1b. license plate 11
100 a1b. fishing license photo id, but not voting
101 a1c. Facebook - license plate BOYCHIK
102 a1c. my driver license
103 a1c. my driver license
104 a1c. my driver license
105 a1c. my driver license
106 a1c. my driver license
107 a1c. my driver license
108 a1c. my driver license
109 a1e. GOP license plate
110 a1f. Alan Travis - old car collection -  - old license plates
111 a1f. Alan Travis - old car collection -  - old license plates
112 a1g. NOTLAST license plate
113 a1g. NOTLAST license plate
114 a1g. RNRVRNR license plate - what does it mean?
115 a1g. RNRVRNR license plate - what does it mean?
116 a1h. jerome license
117 a1h. jerome license
118 a1h. jerome license hours
119 a1k. local shop license plates
120 a1l. Dr. Who license plate
121 a1l. Dr. Who license plate
122 a1l. Dr. Who license plate
123 a1l. Dr. Who license plate
124 a1l. Dr. Who license plate with infinity improbability drive
125 a1m. ADOT Olga license
126 a1m. license plate DEER ME
127 a1m. Olga driver license
128 a1m. back of my driver license
129 a1n. n8377w car license plate
130 a1n. n8377w car license plate
131 a1n. n8377w car license plate
132 a1r. my license plate on my rental car
133 a1s. New Zealand - our van license plate
134 a1s. New Zealand - driving - GOMARS license plate
135 a1t. very short license plate
136 a1t. very short license plate
137 a1y. Philadelphia Museum of Art -  cool license plate NCC1701
138 a1y. Philadelphia Museum of Art -  cool license plate NCC-1701
140 a24. bus license plate

