I woke up 2008 November 5, Wednesday morning, and found out that Barack Obama won the election. It was expected, but not a certainty. I got only one gloating e-mail about it from a friend.
Of course I'm disappointed,
but maybe it will help if I clarify to my readers
(there aren't many according to the counts at the bottom
of these web
just why I'm so disappointed in my countrymen.
Look at
It's a religion founded on a
authors, or so people say.
One guy says he can start a religion, just like that.
The other guy says, no way.
The bet was made and the success of Dianetics shows who won.
Now it's a major religious-cult force
with movie stars and other notables in its community.
I can't help but think that the Obama campaign is a similar bet.
Somebody said I can get somebody elected
who doesn't exist, whom nobody knows,
who doesn't stand for anything,
who just makes people feel really good.
The Capitol Steps
couldn't find
about Obama.
They had plenty on Joe Biden, John McCain,
and Sarah Palin but nothing on Obama.
There was one skit about Hillary where he appeared as a
white person
along with Bill Clinton (who was also portrayed as white).
Have you ever seen the movie
with Al Pacino?
He's a big-time public-relations (PR) guy
who gets fed up with the quirks and foibles of female stars
so he creates one in virtual cyberspace.
She's called Simone and she looks real enough to fool people.
Simone gets a huge following and becomes the hottest item
in the entertainment medium.
That nobody knows anybody who actually met her
doesn't diminish her attraction to her followers.
Here we have a similarly-non-existent candidate,
a few months in the senate.
His prior life is a combination of unknowns and misadventures.
Somehow he took the democratic nomination from Hillary Clinton,
the most popular nominee I've seen in a long time.
It was like somebody threw a switch
in the news and entertainment media,
it was Hillary all the way,
now it's Obama-mania.
Then he runs against a well-established candidate in John McCain
and wins handily and decisively.
He got support from the usual liberal sources
and from conservative sources I didn't expect.
They feel good about Barack Obama.
Polls indicate that people liked Obama for the economy.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that massive redistribution
without massive productivity gains
isn't going to help the economy
and it's going to create a massive gravy train for bureaucrats.
I understand Obama is surrounding himself with experts
who are the very people who steered us into our current mess.
People seem comfortable with his pre-inauguration
economic and staffing decisions.
They feel good about Barack Obama.
With no history, no voting record, he has never taken a stand
other than campaign speeches on any political issue.
Yet people, including some of my friends,
are confident in his ability to deal with hard issues.
They feel good about Barack Obama.
There are two things I think we can count on
from President Obama.
he's going to engage in massive growth of
federal redistribution of income
which some of my buddies call the
USSA (United Socialist States of America).
he's going to engage in massive centralization of
health care at a national level.
These are the two things I think we can count on.
He says he's against terrorism and torture
as he's in favor of motherhood and apple pie,
but he may or may not do anything along those lines.
He may or may not do something about the war in Iraq
and he may or may not maintain a relationship with Israel.
He may or may not make sacrifices in our nation's standard of living
in the fight against global warming.
Issues like
racism, sexism, abortion,
guns, education, energy, and crime
may or may not get attention.
Issues like
tort reform,
traffic congestion (air or ground),
water rights and management,
and government corruption
were low on the campaign list
and are unlikely to see improvement.
So there are two rational reasons people voted for Barack Obama:
If you like his social agenda,
then there was no reason to vote for Barack Obama
when there's a whole world of places
already practicing what Mr. Obama preaches.
Making Americans more socialist
is in the same class
as making a Hummer into a high-mileage vehicle
when we already have efficient cars.
There are enough "success" stories in socialism today
that we should leave the one "failure" alone,
sort of like China is leaving Hong Kong alone
as an island of capitalism in a
communist nation.
I've argued repeatedly that the only way to have less
corruption and mismanagement in government
is to have less government.
Our country and its laws are founded on this idea
and those who choose to live here
chose to live by it.
This campaign was truly a test of principles
and my countrymen failed.
So we're down to feeling good about a candidate.
Is it bad to feel good about our president?
Well, no, not exactly,
but the skills to make people feel good
and the skills to make good decisions are not the same.
Political science has become political
It's worse than that, actually.
Mr. Obama's actual experience and exposure are so limited,
all we're feeling good about
is the image projected by news and entertainment media.
all over again.
By that measure,
our best candidates are
Kevin Kline ("Dave"),
Michael Douglas ("The American President"),
Martin Sheen ("The West Wing"),
Harrison Ford ("Air Force One"),
and Morgan Freeman ("Deep Impact").
These all may be admirable fellows,
probably as good a shot as Barack Obama,
but none of them should be elected
President of the United States for real.
Back in the 1950s there was a television show called
The Twilight Zone
mostly about the darker side of humanity.
Rod Serling
would come on screen to narrate a few paragraphs
before and after short drama with some kind of surprise ending.
One theme that ran through some episodes
was a nice, American, suburban community
facing some kind of unusual threat
like alien invasion or nuclear war.
These otherwise-nice people go into a mob-mentality panic
and attack a family who did nothing wrong.
an orator turn a town-hall style meeting of decent people
into an angry mob
and I understand how vulnerable we are to persuasion.
There is something fun about being part of a mob.
We watch a sporting event,
maybe a high school basketball game,
maybe the Superbowl,
we have a few beers,
guys rip off their shirts in the cold weather,
and we scream like idiots in favor of our chosen team.
Like it or not,
mob behavior is part of being human
and the great thing about sports is that it lets us
enjoy the emotions around war and battle and mob rule
without hurting anybody.
Part of the fun is mocking authority,
being bad,
doing things that respectable, decent people don't do.
People yell things at hockey games
they wouldn't say in work or social settings.
It's not so good
when that same attitude
has people rioting, looting, and breaking things.
Pick your favorite image,
an angry
with pitchforks and torches,
a bunch of party-drunk
throwing people's stuff out their windows,
a political
leading a country into a war of conquest,
or an irrational
goading zealous followers in his cause.
It's not fun when you come home to find
your windows smashed,
your furniture trashed,
your stuff stolen,
and your carpet pissed on.
Now we have an electorate caught in the same kind of mob frenzy.
People were swept up in Obama-mania
without contemplating what Obama-nation would follow.
"The object of power is power."
While the Obama-maniacs were having fun,
the leaders of this mob-mentality Obama-nation are deadly serious.
I think they know exactly what they're doing,
setting up our country
for some major and terrible changes,
not just a change of power base
but the creation of a huge, centralized power base
that didn't exist before.
After this election,
Americans who work for a living
and take pride in their work and their living
have to be wondering where they're going to feel at home
in the twenty-first century.
While I'm worried what my country will become
under its new leadership,
I'm much more worried what it has become
that it could vote this way.
I'm sorry,
but "I'm sorry" doesn't do much for me after this election.
It would be a good place to start, however.
I haven't said anything about Barack Obama himself.
We have his speeches and that's about it, not much to go on.
I read his wife's undergraduate senior thesis at Princeton,
plenty of attitude there,
but translating that across two decades and conjugal sheets
is hardly a sure indication of character.
He could ignore his promises to the angry-mob left
and turn out to do good things after all.
We won't know that until 2009.
As I said,
this election isn't about Barack Obama
because we don't know Barack Obama.
It's about a national neighborhood
comfortable buying into a
about a
candidate being elected in a
mob mentality.
Can America's working and productive community
ever feel at home here again?
• They like his social agenda
• It feels good to vote for him
13:34:22 Mountain Standard Time (MST). 1495 visits to this web page. |