2018 December 27, My Political Statement (read this one first)
2018 December 27, Logic and Values from My Political Statement    
2020 September 11, Values 1 - Conservative and Liberal                  
2021 October 17, Values 2 in Difficult Times                              
2022 January 31, Values 3 - Code of Conduct                          
2022 September 11, Values 4 - Who is to Blame?                      
2024 January 6, Values 5 - What Do We Do Now?            
2024 February 29, Values 6 - For Democrats                     
2024 May 26, Values 7 - Political Values Summary  
2012 August 20, Science and Law and Rights from ten years ago
2023 January 2, My political weblog for 2023 top to bottom
2022 December 19, Values - Who Are the Republicans?
2022 September 11, Values - Who is to Blame?
2022 April 28, Theocracy Should Scare Us
2022 February 26, my political weblog for 2022
2022 January 31, Values - Code of Conduct
2022 January 25, Guest Writer - Today's Thoughts
2021 December 31, my political weblog for 2021
2021 October 17, Values in Difficult Times
2021 October 17, Manchurian Vaccinations
2021 October 14, You Had One Job
2021 August 20, A Political Test
2021 July 14, My pro-choice position on abortion
2021 June 1, Democrat Solution to the American Jewish Problem
2021 April 10, The Philadelphia Orchestra and Black Lives Matter
2021 March 19, Democrat Platform Then and Now
2021 January 26, Facebook, Twitter, and Good Law
2021 January 25, The 2020 Election - Do You Believe It?
2020 November 26, My Beliefs About 2020 - So Far
2020 November 4, Election results so far
2020 October 30, My Facebook pre-election post for 2020
2020 October 30, Global Warming Revisited Yet Again
2020 October 23, My pre-election pitch for 2020
2020 October 15, Democrat Values - Socialism
2020 September 22, Florida Mountain Avalanches (corona analogy)
2020 September 11, Values - Conservative and Liberal
2020 August 25, Moonlight Danger (corona analogy)
2020 August 15, Princeton University, 2020 Fall
2020 July 24, Black Lives Matter (BLM)
2020 June 28, my political weblog for 2020
2020 May 3, Corona virus science, politics, values, summary, and weblog
2019 September 10, my political weblog for 2019
2019 May 3, Pete Seeger centennial
2018 December 27, My Political Statement (observation, morality, history)
2018 June 25, Silly Liberal Meme Weblog
2018 March 28, Explaining to a Liberal
2017 April 20, Six Reasons I'm Happy Not to Have President Hillary
2016 November 13, Issues Around 2016 Election
2016 November 9, Aftermath of Trump Victory
2016 November 4, Appeal for Trump or Johnson
2016 October 7, Hitler and the American Left Wing
2016 June 30, Political Alliteration - Trump
2016 May 27, An Honest Look at Guns
2016 May 2, Woodrow Wilson and Racism
2016 March 21, The Two Points that Matter
2015 November 11, My Views on the Issues
2015 November 10, Mark Humphys has a great web page.
2015 November 2, Why I Reject the Left
2015 April 15, Who is a Libertarian?
2014 December 26, Chart Comparing Democrats and Republicans
2014 December 19, Five Pillars of America
2014 December 12, Tell Me How Good It Is
2014 November 1, Left-wing, Progressive, Democrat History
2014 March 17, It's About Hate
2014 February 7, My Positive Vision of America
2014 January 9, Global Warming Debunked
2013 December 5, The Moral Low Road
2013 December 2, Short Retorts for Rhetoric (Faith vs. Science)
2013 September 30, Eight Percent of our Economy for Obamacare
2013 September 19, Why No Syria Intervention
2013 August 18, Climbing the Ladder - Shoveling the Bull
2013 August 11, Words Have Meaning
2013 March 15, Howie from the Mail Room
2013 February 7, Global Warming Revisited - Zero out of Six
2013 February 6, Atlas Shrugged addition
2012 December 17, Guns and Recent Tragedies
2012 November 6, The Creeps
2010 April 28, A Quote from the Czech Republic
2012 October 22, Again in 2012
2012 October 17, Back to America
2012 June 29, How I Can Live With My Beliefs
2012 June 29, Maria's Low-cost Medical Care
2012 June 13, Kinder, Gentler Political Diatribe
2012 May 23, Bush Screwed Up the Economy?
2012 May 15, Proud to be Liberal?
2012 April 2, America's Two Founding Documents
2011 November 22, Liberalism in 2011
2011 April 18, Four Types of Liberals
2010 August 30, Fifty-two Percent
2010 May 9, Obama's First Year
2009 December 10, Umbrella of Liberty
2009 July 4, My proposed Constitutional Amendment
2009 April 25, Second AMerica = SAM
2008 December 1, My Proposal – Government Work Force (GWF)
2008 November 20, After the Election – Why I'm Disappointed
2008 October 28, Right Wing Conspiracy in the United States
2008 October 24, Responses – Freedom – Political Correctness
2008 October 17, Choice – McCain Over Obama
2008 October 8, Jobs in America
2008 September 23, Summary – The Road Paved with Good Intentions
2008 September 21, Health Care for a Broader Audience in the United States
2008 September 16, Race in America – A Study in Black and White
2008 September 11, America is my Home – I Chose to be Here
2008 September 10,     Three Lost Wars for the United States
2008 August 27, More Inconvenient Truth – Economics
2008 June 18, Darwinian Lifeguard – "Out of the Gene Pool!"
2007 August 11, More Inconvenient Truth – Energy
2004 September 30,     Vote!

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