There are scads of revelations to be had from
our 2016 election in the United States.
When I went to work out with my friend Tuesday night
in a room without a television set,
I expected to come home to find out Hillary was winning,
to go to bed,
and to wake up with President-Elect Hillary Clinton on the news
and a sea of sickeningly-smug postings on Facebook,
and maybe a few of the gloating emails I got in 2008 and 2012
over the Obama victory.
I was frightened for my country.
Since my country has been the global sanctuary for freedom,
I was frightened for the entire world.
The last embers of a brilliant and wonderful light
were about to be extinguished.
Imagine my surprise when I got home
2016 November 8, Tuesday evening,
flipped on my social media,
and saw wisecracks about what President Trump was going to do.
I poked at some news sites that cited numbers that were
decidedly not favoring Hillary Clinton.
(I wasn't completely shocked
as I considered the 2016 polls volatile enough
to make a bet for Trump with two-to-one odds in my favor.
I put up three bills to my friend's six, winner takes all nine.)
My opinion of America's left wing, already quite low,
was about to change, and not for the better,
in the aftermath.
I have other pages that deal with details,
so let's cover the broader view in this essay.
The immediate effect I observed was the intensity of the reaction.
Knowing who the Democrats are and who Hillary is,
I have to see any support for her as been a lesser-of-evils thing,
a reluctant admission of support in the face
of a perceived greater threat from Trump.
(Whatever my enthusiasm for Gary Johnson,
his presentation of himself during the campaign was mediocre and
he wasn't going to win a third-party victory in any case.)
Instead they were in agony varying from hate to tears.
I got an invitation to dinner with the caveat in writing
that, if I didn't vote for Hillary,
I was not to talk about politics.
My initial reaction seeing the charts wasn't joy or gloating,
simple amazingly-strong relief.
My sick, ailing country has just dodged a probably-fatal bullet
and been spared agonizing death throes.
The movie "Hillary's America" covers some of this,
but only begins to describe what I see
in almost all facets of American politics.
My take was, "We have another chance at life."
Realize that those who favor Hillary's vision
can go anywhere they want to get it.
If you throw a dart at the land area of the world,
98% of it lives under similarly-controlled conditions,
95% of the world's population.
One nation, one community, one heritage shares a vision
of freedom and dignity
that started 1215 June 15 with the Magna Carta
and ended up 1787 September 17 with the signing
of the Constitution of the United States of America.
My expression of that vision is the moral compass
of human life, liberty, property, livelihood, and contract.
The reason to come here and to try to change our country
is to exterminate the one place on earth that is different,
that is proud and free, that follows that morality.
The American left doesn't want to live,
they could do that anywhere else,
they want us to die.
They did not get that in the 2016 election
and that moves them to tears.
The polls were funny, well maybe not so funny.
Except for a couple of offbeat efforts
out of the vehemently-pro-Hillary mainstream,
everybody was "scientifically" predicting a Hillary landslide.
I remember all the scientific predictions from "warmist" scientists
about how global temperature would rise from 1998 to 2013.
There's a comfort in lying here, but it's more than that.
It's substituting what people want to hear
for describing what really is.
Our news medium shirked its responsibility big time here.
Given what happened, and that non-biased pollsters saw it coming,
it clearly and shamelessly reported what it wanted to happen.
If Hollywood entertainers in their entertainment medium
want to take sides in political issues they know nothing about,
then, well, I guess the First Amendment gives them that right,
but I don't have to listen to it and, more importantly,
it doesn't emit the aura of truth that a news agency has.
Their ultra-kind images of Hillary's transgressions
and ultra-evil images of Trump give emphasis to their failure
to do their jobs.
(Imagine the reverse bias with every news report
having some Clinton scandal starting with state-favor bribes
and working down to stealing dishes from the White House
and cussing out White House workers
and imagine
a corresponding story about some Trump business success
with interviews of the people whose jobs he created.
That would have been just as shameful,
but I have to admit it would be fun to see
after all the left-bias so far.)
Whatever our opinion is of the political parties,
the 2008 Obama platform delivered continuation and amplification
of the economic destruction of the previous two years,
massive increase in government intervention in industry,
and a slew of new government programs ranging from
health care to school lunches.
That's what happened, for good or for bad.
I happen to think it's bad.
What the left-wing community has done is to revise history
and to say it didn't happen,
that our economy is booming
and that tens of millions of people have "left the work force"
instead of "losing their jobs" or "being unemployed."
We conservatives were concerned about Obama victories
in 2008 and 2012 and, alas, we were vehemently vindicated.
There was an outpouring of postings from my Facebook community
defending the Democrats and their values.
In other essays I have described my take on the Democrats
from their
to their
Dinesh D'Sousa's movie "Hillary's America"
covers the racism aspect quite well,
biased in tone but factually right on point.
I happen to share his bias against racism and hate,
so I enjoyed watching the movie.
The Democrats have taken the evil side in six basic areas:
Some have answered these concerns about the Democratic Party
saying we're not electing a party, we're electing a candidate.
I would first point out that Hillary Clinton specifically
paid homage to Margaret Sanger,
a totally evil woman in my book,
famous for her work in eugenics
and founding Planned Parenthood in 1920.
I would second say, "Okay, let's look at
Hillary Clinton, the candidate."
The Clintons are crooks and terrible people.
Bill Clinton's last six years as President went well,
but he faced two Republican houses of Congress during that time.
His first two years went badly enough to create
the "Contract with America" with Newt Gingrich and company.
I thought it was bad enough that the Clintons stole $200,000
in dishes and furniture when they left the White House,
but since then,
using Hillary's position as Secretary of State,
it appears they have accumulated $200 MILLION
in bribes for state favors.
This is what many of us were hoping the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
would investigate,
not some lost emails or a screw-up in Benghazi.
Corruption, bribary, and jeopardizing national secrets notwithstanding,
the Clintons have been just horrible people.
With his wife's understanding and acquiescence
Bill Clinton has been a symbol of misogyny.
The Clintons have made racist comments as well.
Reports from White-House staff at the time
say the Clintons treated them far worse than
their predecessors or their successors.
It's hard to imagine anybody's character looking bad
in the presence of William Jefferson
and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Whatever Trump's competence,
I think the media character smear
is a good test of people and they didn't do well:
Donald Trump has been in the public eye "since forever," more than
half his life, as a famous rich man, a big brash bold braggart
billionaire businessman.
He may or may not have been very good at
it, but he and Harry Helmsley had a lot of money and were visible.
He lived his whole life in New York City, a true melting pot of
black, white, yellow, brown, male, and female and worked with all
these various people with minimal incident.
He runs for high office
against Democrats and suddenly he's an octopus with eight penises
raping eight women simultaneously while discriminating against the
dark ones and hating the lesbians.
His detractors burn and smash
things while hurting people and hurling insults and he is blamed for
that, too, in the press.
web pages are calling for electoral subterfuge and assassination.
(One of my friends,
who has posted the majority of really wrong-headed, wrong-fact
political memes I've seen on Facebook,
represents all this as being done by Trump supporters.
How bad and silly does it have to get before the message gets through?)
The message I get from all this is clear,
compared to the conservatives,
the American-left Democrats have been bad winners,
bad losers, and egregious crybabies.
I have some serious concerns about a Trump presidency.
As a libertarian, I'm a "social liberal."
I believe in legal gay marriage, I'm pro-choice on abortion,
I believe Emma Lazerus's "Golden Door" of immigration
should be open as wide as we can safely make it,
and I want the Internet to stay free of government controls.
While Donald Trump waved the gay-marriage flag in favor,
the Republican-Party platform is not so kind.
I believe all of us who believe in less-invasive government
on social issues
should go to a computer and write emails to our representatives
in government.
If they give a shit about representing us
(and who knows? they might),
then let's give them a message about what values we want represented.
I went to contact pages and wrote such a letter to my Representative,
my Senators, and to President-Elect Trump
specifically on these issues.
If you don't have a computer,
then use a typewriter and a postage stamp.
If you don't have a typewriter, or don't remember how to use it,
then use a pen.
I think it is important to give our future leaders a message
of what we want them to do and what
rights, privileges, and privacy we want them to respect.
It sounds a bit preachy, but I say it anyway:
If we don't tell them what we want them to do,
then we have little right to complain if they do something different.
I don't want anybody to interpret this election
as a mandate for "religious-right" moral conservatism.
So what was the American-left reaction?
Even seeing us conservatives as an example in 2008 and 2012,
they took offense, pillaged our cities, and gave offense.
No election in American history is as embarrassing to me
as the response of my fellow Americans to this one.
People voted against a history of racism,
for a positive economic future,
against corporatism and corruption,
and for a businessman's vision.
Some folks don't like that and I understand, really.
It's time to grow up and to behave like adults.
• economics
from the New Deal and the Great Society to
• racism from the Ku Klux Klan through the Black Panthers
to Black Lives Matter,
• tyranny from supporting Stalin and Hitler to Arafat,
• anti-semitism from the United Nations through ISIS,
• pseudo-science from eugenics through global warming, and
• the morality of the minute as opposed to a moral compass.
In 2008 and 2012 the Obama victories sickened me.
Remember, I really saw what was going to happen,
maybe not as bad as it actually turned out,
but enough to bother me.
I didn't smash windows, burn stuff, hurt people,
write nasty racial slurs on rocks, or poop on Obama signs.
While almost half the country shared my fears,
nobody else did that shit either.
A system we weren't entirely happy with,
but that we had more-or-less agreed to live under,
produced a horrifying result
and we were going to have to live with it.
The Trump victory produced the same frustration from the other side.
Never mind what carnage that side has produced since 2008,
they feel strongly that what they're doing is right
and they're as deeply disappointed in their loss in 2016
as we were in 2008.
13:06:38 Mountain Standard Time
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