Since these things are coming so fast,
I'm going to post brief responses here,
like swatting flies.
2018 June 25.
Sarah Sanders and seven family members
get thrown out of the Red Hen restaurant
in Lexington, Virginia.
She wasn't thrown out for anything she did,
nor for anything she brought or bought,
only because she worked for Donald Trump,
the President of the United States of America.
Two images come to mind.
2018 June 18.
The Trump Administration is taking children away from their families,
so the Republicans are evil.
Let's look at the bullshit. Let me count the ways.
In case anybody wants to represent America's vocal liberals
as responsible adults,
equivalent to most conservatives for example,
one only has to look at the gushing torrent
of whining Facebook memes coming from them.
They're almost as angry and upset as we were four and eight years ago,
but far less able to contain their feelings
and far less accountable to fact and logic.
We conservatives may not have been saints, nor are we saints today,
but we didn't post stuff this terrible.
(A) A gay couple goes into a bakery who refuses to make them
a same-sex wedding cake.
(B) A diner is thrown out of a restaurant because he is black.
I feel this is far from the first and close to the second.
In case (A) it turns out the gay couple went past some half a dozen
bakeries who would be happy to make their cake to target
one owned by "Christians" who refused.
They weren't refused because they were homosexual
but because they wanted a homosexual wedding cake,
buying a product the baker did not wish to sell.
I'll presume
(A-1) if a hetersexual couple walked in and ordered a gay wedding cake
they would have been similarly refused and
(A-2) if two men walked in and ordered a regular heterosexual cake
they would have walked out with a cake in hand.
It was the product being purchased rather than the shoppers
that the seller objected to.
We have a practical concept
(that maybe didn't exist a century ago and maybe it did exist)
of a business being "public facing."
That's my term, and maybe there's a legal, official term for it.
A business that is public facing agrees to serve all
acceptable customers appropriately.
(I add "acceptable" thinking of the restaurant scene
in "The Blues Brothers" and "appropriately"
because business can offer privileges to preferred customers
so long as they meet a minimum standard of care
to all who pay for their offered product or service.
That's my small print for the day.)
A private club can say "NO BLACKS, NO JEWS" on the door,
but a public-facing restaurant doesn't have that choice,
in my interpretation of what is right in our community.
They didn't have to be public facing, they could "go private,"
but Red Hen was public facing and served the public.
Sarah Sanders didn't misbehave nor did she buy anything
the restaurant didn't want to sell.
I'm interested to see the left-wing-liberal response to this one.
The law they're protesting was passed
during the Clinton presidency and enforced vigorously
during the Obama presidency,
so separating families at the border
is hardly a Republican initiative, hardly a Trump issue.
Illegal immigration has been an ugly issue for a long time.
We're talking about separating families
commiting a crime.
Picture getting home and
finding a mother and four-year-old son breaking into your house
and taking your stuff.
Is it so absurd to separate criminals from their families
even when the entire family is at the crime scene?
There is a legal entry point in
where people in Mexico can legally cross the border
into the United States.
For whatever reason,
these people have chosen to break the law,
to sneak into the United States.
(I've even crossed the border there myself coming back from Mexico.)
The liberals liken the practice to slavery, complete with images.
Slavery was a left-wing, progressive, Democrat concept at the time
and their racism has continued through the Ku Klux Klan
and the Black Panthers
to today's violent racism of Black Lives Matter.
The liberals liken the practice to incarcerating Japanese citizens,
also a left-wing, progressive, Democrat initiative
that faced right-wing, conservative, Republican resistance.
2017 June 18.
All these school shootings!
What can we do to get more gun control?
How can we stop the NRA?
Not one of these publicized public shootings has involved
a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA)
and I don't recall any of them being being
right-wingers, conservative, or Republicans.
Most of the shooters were actively announcing and affirming
liberal views.
So liberal Democrats shot people so liberal Democrats
could lie and vie for gun control
just like the gun control they supported
in Russia, Germany, Cuba, and China.
There's a reason we're the way we are in the United States of America,
you have plenty of places to go if you don't like the way we are,
so why stay and whine except to hurt more innocent people?
2017 June 18.
Why is there so much hate under Trump?
Everyone seems to agree there's more hate after
the 2016 Trump victory.
I'll point out hate doesn't come from the winners.
When the liberals became losers their hate took over.
Jewish cemeteries were desecrated
and swastikas were painted on walls by angry liberal Democrats.
During the last president's administration
we conservatives watched economic strife
as tens of millions of Americans lost their jobs,
an increase in racism and anti-semitism,
a huge decrease in personal freedom,
and we didn't whine about Obama like the liberals
whining about a Trump administration doing
decidely better than break even.
Listen to Hollywood!
Look at the hate!
2017 January 26.
"I cannot believe I live in a country
that forced Barack Obama to
show his birthday certificate,
but won't make Donald Trump
show his taxes."
- Alex Howard, Florida.
How do I mock thee, let me count the ways.
First, I pointed out any airline flight requires me to show my name,
certainly every job I've applied for,
and none have every pried about how much tax I paid.
The Obama candidate in 2008 and 2012 never did tell us his name,
people voted for him anyway,
they say it's okay because they felt good about him,
never mind the consequences.
But isn't a candidate telling the public his name
(and birthplace as constitutionally
for the presidency)
a little more consequential than somewhat-private tax returns?
I'll also ask how many liberals changed their votes to Romney
when he revealed how much tax he paid,
and how much he gave to charity?
There were two majorly, seriously, dementedly misogynist presidents
who abused thousands of women,
so ten million women marched against Donald Trump
as if he were sexist.
There were several
racist presidents before now,
so liberal protest Donald Trump as if he were racist.
The president before Trump refused to tell us his name or identity,
so liberals cutely call Trump "#45"
as if his credentials were suspect.
The president before Trump knew his Secretary of State
was taking hundreds of millions of dollars in personal bribes
for state favors, massively corrupt, clearly treason,
yet liberals castigate Trump as if he were corrupt.
Russia paid that same Secretary of State over $100 million
in bribes to get our government Uranium
and liberals pooh-pooh Trump as if he
had evil dealings with the Russians.
12:58:14 Mountain Standard Time
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