Three Jazz Singers
- 2022 March 28
I went to a concert the other night with three black jazz singers
and an all-white, all-female band commemerating the pioneering work of
Bessie, Billie, and Nina.
"They wielded their exceptional talents to combat
racial prejudice, sexism, and poverty," says the program,
and their struggle was difficult and real.
I respect these artists for bringing this all to light
without any political position.
Most of those making noise about the Civil Rights movement
have somehow put the blame on the people who worked for
equal rights and opportunity and against racism and discrimination,
but these three women were able to bring
the suffering and achievement of
Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, and Nina Simone
to light without any reference to Republicans or Democrats
or the White Knights or the Black Panthers or
Black Lives Matter.
Good for them!
Putin - What Did You Expect?
- 2022 February 26
Not one liberal post I've seen
apologizes for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Help me out here.
Liberals have lobbied over and over for two centuries
of American politics to put ordinary people
in positions of extraordinary power
in racial policy, economics, and access to written material,
most recently control of social media.
Vladimir Putin is precisely the sort of
ordinary man with extraordinary powers
liberals have been trying to create here in the United States
and in other countries.
What did they think was going to happen?
A person drops a bowling ball on his foot every day,
even tries to persuade his friends to do the same thing,
and then he complains when his toe is broken
and he's in pain.
What should we think is going to happen?
Invasions of neighboring countries by despotic dictators
is a direct and obvious consequence
of creating positions of great power.
What did they think was going to happen?
When American left-wing progressives supported
Lenin, Stalin, and Kruschev and the result
is a Russian ruler with a take-over-the-world complex,
their first two words should be, "I'm sorry."
Not One Republican
- 2022 January 13
Well, let's think about this one.
Were there any elections where the rampant cheating
that Democrats did showed up on the Republican side?
Were there any elections that mysteriously found
thousands, never mind hundreds of thousands,
of consecutive Republican votes at
three o'clock in the morning?
Were there any elections where there was overwhelming
Democrat support, like two-to-one ballot ratios,
where the Republican ended up in office?
Were there any elections where the Republican candidate
didn't campaign at all,
maybe because he couldn't pronounce a full sentence,
even from a telepropter,
and still took office?
Maybe that's why not one Republican was "complaining"
about the election process.
Maybe it's because the Republicans weren't the ones cheating.
Nuclear Power and Libertarians
- 2022 January 10
I recall an interesting conversation I had
in a circle of libertarians at Stanford
when I was a graduate student there in 1980.
This was just after Three Mile Island
and the nuclear power industry
didn't have the long safety record it has today.
The question was whether people should be able
to control a nuclear power plant
even if there were no problems,
perhaps even to prevent construction of a new plant
in a reluctant neighborhood.
My purist-libertarian friend was insistant
that the pure-libertarian position was clear.
There was no public remedy to prevent
a private company to build their own private nuclear power plant
on their own private property
and the only legitimate remedy a concerned population has
is recovering losses after some kind of bad event.
I was a bright and quick person back then and I snapped back,
"What if a person fired a gun into a crowd and didn't shoot anybody?
Nobody got hurt, but shouldn't the crowd use force
to prevent the shooter from doing it again?"
To paraphrase Arlo Guthrie in "Alice's Restaurant"
there was only one of two things my friend could have said.
He could have come back, "Hmm. Maybe you're right,"
which wasn't very likely and I didn't expect it,
and the other thing was he could have insisted on the purity
of his absolute-private-property libertarian position,
which is what I expected.
Instead there was a third possibility I hadn't
even counted upon and he asked me a question
that surprised me.
"Where did you get that one?"
It appears the notion of thinking of one's own examples
was foreign in his political thinking,
even though he was a smart person,
a Stanford graduate student.
That made me wonder.
I naturally used my own mind to come up with my own examples
and I expected others did the same thing,
especially libertarians whom I think of as
people who think for themselves.
I remember finding Murray Rothbard's
heralded libertarian vision
Man, Economy, and State
soft and squishy and sloppy compared with
David Friedman's
The Machinery of Freedom
that turned me on to libertarian thinking in 1975.
While I still feel libertarian thinking
and libertarians who think
are the clearest thinking people in politics,
I was hoping they thought more for themselves
and relied less on spoonfed formulaic rhetoric.
Conservatives and the Bible
- 2022 January 8
I run into conservatives who support their belief
in our American values claiming they come from
God and Jesus and the Bible.
I can respect their religious beliefs without sharing them.
We can keep faith and still
base our values on science and reason.
Most Bible-quoting conservatives are pro-life on abortion.
But here's the funny thing
about most people who say their beliefs
are based on the Judeo-Christian Bible.
Right at the beginning,
barely after the word
My own opinion is not based on Bible authority
and I'm not staking out an opinion on abortion
in this section,
only that the Bible takes a clear-enough pro-choice position
that anybody claiming to follow it would have be either
pro-choice or neutral
(if there are other parts of the Bible
with different views on the subject,
parts less fundamental than the five books of the
less primal than Genesis)
on the current abortion debate.
I'm not saying pro-life proponents are inherently wrong,
only that any claim they make lacks Biblical authority.
Actually, I believe most people who cite sources
for political views never actually paid much attention
to the actual sources they cite,
including those
citing Biblical authority without actually reading the Bible.
I have nothing against pro-life adherents,
only against those claiming their values
come from a source they haven't read or don't understand.
I know pro-life abortion adherents who are not hypocrites
in this way because they don't claim Biblical support.
One fellow told me he believed in
the sanctity of human-fetal life based
on post-Biblical science.
"We've learned a lot about unborn children since the old days."
My beef is not with pro-life people,
just people who attribute that belief
to a document that opens with the opposite opinion.
I have another beef with those citing religion against
Darwin's theory of evolution or any other rigorous science.
The Bible says God created the world in seven days,
seven of God's days whatever that means,
and created all the life on this planet along the way.
Charles Darwin gives a reasonable explanation for
how that may have happened.
Are they inconsistent?
Isn't it possible that God's work happened
in a scientifically-explained way?
Maybe our most advanced science is a tiny view
into the mind of God.
Maybe we can enjoy our science and religious beliefs together.
I'm bummed that folks in the religious community
seem to have created a division when none really exists.
If I were a religious person,
then I would enjoy science as a greater understanding
of God's glory
rather than a refutation of religion.
It's a shame when people are looking for a fight
rather than looking for a way we can all agree
on the greatness and beauty of the world we live in
and whoever created it.
Not one Republican officeholder objecting to Biden's victory
have objected to their own winds, on the same day,
on the same ballots, using the same election system.
(bray-shees, written
with the vowels)
in the Book of Genesis,
Chapter Two, Verse Seven,
is a clear position on abortion.
From King James,
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
First man Adam becomes human when God breathes life into him
and I agree with Talmudic scholars then and now
that this clearly delineates a position
that fetal life is less than human until first breath.
In fact, I'm told religious Jews go a little further
in that a baby who dies in the first month after birth
is not mourned with the full human-death ceremony.
13:05:17 Mountain Standard Time
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